First step
The very first step in stopping bullying is to stand up for anyone that you see is being teased on or being attacked by another person. When you see a situation when they someone, any age, being attacked or bullied, the right thing to do is to stand up and tell the bully to stop what he is doing. That would be the best solution if it was at a school or a couple of children. Now if the situation was that it was outside of school then the best solution is to call the police or someone in charge. Bullying can be very dangerous because it can be led to harmful consequences. Harmful things like committing suicide, hurting others, not only their feelings but physically as well. Can you just imagine, how you would feel if someone got very hurt and there could've been something you could've done to avoid it. I know I would feel terrible and would carry that guilt for the rest of my life. That's why, if you see someone being bullied, just help them out or if you're scared they might do something to you, then just call someone for help and you can help someone.
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