Thursday, December 1, 2016

What makes a bully?

Bullies can be girls or boys, smart or not smart, big or tall. Some people like to hurt people by hurting them emotionally, or physically. Some things that bullies might do is talk very loudly and doesn't let the other person talk,  they try to be cool, they might threaten to get their family or friends. Something else is that they might try to get everyone against them and not like them. Something big that describes a bully is they they tease, use name calling, blackmail and violence against their victim.  They might also try to hide or steal their victim's things to affect them. They overall pick on smaller, weaker or people who are different in some ways. They just like to hurt people and make them hurt them selves.  Of course we may not know what they have been through but that sure isn't the way to solve things by hurting other, physically and emotionally. At the end of the day everyone should treat everyone how they would want to be treated. 

First step

     The very first step in stopping bullying is to stand up for anyone that you see is being teased on or being attacked by another person. When you see a situation when they someone, any age, being attacked or bullied, the right thing to do is to stand up and tell the bully to stop what he is doing. That would be the best solution if it was at a school or a couple of children. Now if the situation was that it was outside of school then the best solution is to call the police or someone in charge. Bullying can be very dangerous because it can be led to harmful consequences. Harmful things like committing suicide, hurting others, not only their feelings but physically as well. Can you just imagine, how you would feel if someone got very hurt and there could've been something you could've done to avoid it. I know I would feel terrible and would carry that guilt for the rest of my life. That's why, if you see someone being bullied, just help them out or if you're scared they might do something to you, then just call someone for help and you can help someone.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A young's boy bullying experience...that led to death!

"Kenneth Weishuhn, a gay high school freshman from Paullina, Iowa, took his own life after being bullied by classmates at school and online, and with death threats by phone.

The bullying began with an anti-gay Facebook group, created by Kenneth’s classmates. His mother, Jeannie Chambers, said she knew her son was being harassed, and said that her son told her, 'Mom, you don’t know how it feels to be hated.'

According to his sister Kayla, the abuse that started after he "came out" was from people he had trusted: 'People that were originally his friends, they kind of turned on him. A lot of people, they either joined in or were too scared to say anything.'"

             This story is an example of how bullying can go too far. This kid wasn't able to take all the teasing that was made to him. Even though he had the support of his family, he had lost a lot of his friends once he came out to them. He obviously felt uncomfortable and unwanted so he decided to get rid of his life. This is just ONE kid who was a victim of bullying, imagine all the other people and kids that go through this. All of the bullies might have meant what they said and other might have not. But it didn't mater because the teenager ended up killing himself either way. The bullies didn't only affect him but now have also affected the family of this kid and the people that care about him. The simple solution to this is to stop bullying people and that if someone is different, to not judge them but to support them and make them feel like they belong in their society. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

 What is bullying?

           Bullying is acting in ways that can hurt or harm someone. Most of the kids that bully pick on the kids that are younger or weaker than them, for more confidence. Bullying commonly starts in elementary school and continues on to middle school, and by high school it is less common, it doesn't happen as often. There are different types of bullying. There is  cyber bullying, physical bullying, social bullying, and verbal bullying. Although they are different, they have something in common. They all effect people and themselves in all sorts of ways. Not a lot of people know all these types of bullying and so people don't know how to prevent it. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

We have a problem...

Have you ever thought about what goes through someone's mind when they are being bullied? What they think about before bed? Do they feel safe? Everyday there are thousands of teens that are afraid to go to school. This has been affecting a big amount of students, and it doesn't just affect them in school, but they can even feel affected when they are at home because they have trauma on the things that are happening to them. They can start getting depressed or getting angry at their parents because they just want to let their anger out on anyone surrounding them because they just don't feel safe anymore. But there's something that the victim isn't realizing. There's a limit to all the bullying, there's a point that it comes to that if you don't tell an adult, all the things add up and the risks of suicide can grow, and that's something that should be prevented. Let's find ways to stop this common teen problem.