Thursday, November 17, 2016

A young's boy bullying experience...that led to death!

"Kenneth Weishuhn, a gay high school freshman from Paullina, Iowa, took his own life after being bullied by classmates at school and online, and with death threats by phone.

The bullying began with an anti-gay Facebook group, created by Kenneth’s classmates. His mother, Jeannie Chambers, said she knew her son was being harassed, and said that her son told her, 'Mom, you don’t know how it feels to be hated.'

According to his sister Kayla, the abuse that started after he "came out" was from people he had trusted: 'People that were originally his friends, they kind of turned on him. A lot of people, they either joined in or were too scared to say anything.'"

             This story is an example of how bullying can go too far. This kid wasn't able to take all the teasing that was made to him. Even though he had the support of his family, he had lost a lot of his friends once he came out to them. He obviously felt uncomfortable and unwanted so he decided to get rid of his life. This is just ONE kid who was a victim of bullying, imagine all the other people and kids that go through this. All of the bullies might have meant what they said and other might have not. But it didn't mater because the teenager ended up killing himself either way. The bullies didn't only affect him but now have also affected the family of this kid and the people that care about him. The simple solution to this is to stop bullying people and that if someone is different, to not judge them but to support them and make them feel like they belong in their society.